I made an announcement a few weeks ago, saying that in 2013, I’d be going for a new world record in the most amount of push ups done in 60 seconds and as of tonight, I’ve officially tied my NCAA, 2003 record with 119.
The journey is far from over…for the current best in the world can do 139. The good news however, is that I at least know that I still have what I had in me, when I was 19.
I’ll use that as motivation and continue to train until I go for glory before July of next year. Thanks to all of you for rooting me on!
I’ll be ready!
21 more and I’ll beat the record by 1. 31 more and I’ll be at 2.5 a second and 150 total!
Awesome, man! Best of luck to ya!
Thanks a ton! When that day comes, I’ll probably share my video right here. 🙂
your math is wrong. if the best is 139, and urs is 119, then arent u 21 away, not 31?
Yes, I’m 20 below the world record, 21 away from beating it, and 31 away from doing the unimaginable: 2.5 a second for 60 seconds straight! That’s gonna be tough trying to hit 150…let alone 140.
thats awesome dude I really know that you can do it lml
“Do or do not, there is no try.” -Yoda
Wishing you the best of luck in your endeavour.
Thanks a lot!
Good luck!
Is that Ferrari yours? 😀
Thank you! And “close”. 😉