Day Ninety eight (Week Fourteen): August 9th, 2014
Here is the fourteen week mark of my Fitness Year 2014 series of body transformation pictures. Thank you, Jason David Frank for the continued motivation. And yeah, I use my Wii Fit U Meter regularly to keep track of the amount of calories I’m burning throughout the day!
Related links:
Day Eighty four: July 26th, 2014
Day Seventy: July 12th, 2014
Day Fifty six: June 28th, 2014
Day Fourty two: June 14th, 2014
Day Twenty eight: May 31st, 2014
Day Fourteen: May 17th, 2014
Day One: May 3rd, 2014
[…] links: Day Ninety eight: August 9th, 2014 Day Eighty four: July 26th, 2014 Day Seventy: July 12th, 2014 Day Fifty six: June 28th, 2014 Day […]