First of all, a big thank you to everyone that has been contributing since December 16th to the “Title Fight Idea” article and of course, for your interest in the game from when it was first announced. This update is a small one, but does hold its own significance in the continued unveiling of this PS3 exclusive, because my source has now confirmed to me that what was once “highly expected” is now a definite:

Title Fight will have a very big presence at E3 2012 and will be playable.

Title Fight...see you at E3 2012!
Title Fight…see you at E3 2012!

– The game is moving along very well in development.
– The build that will be shown off at E3 in 2 months will represent a near-complete title.
– The stage “Bridge of Asylia from Lair” is no more.
– The on screen HUD, character icons, and rings around them have been updated.
– Nearly two dozen characters and stages are locked in.
– Something ambitious is being planned with Trophies in mind.
– Title Fight does have a story mode.

We’ve got 64 days left until E3 and just to let you know, right before putting this article up, I did send out an update to both SuperBot Entertainment and Sony with the article that has all of your ideas attached. With that being said, unless given anything considerable from my source before E3, this might be the last Title Fight update in a while. I personally only know a little more that I haven’t shared, so right now…all of you know almost as much as me. Thank you for your time and here’s to Title Fight having a great presence at E3 2012!

Related articles:

Initial teaser on October 30th

The Halloween reveal
Alternate Halloween reveal

Gameplay details on Title Fight

Tentative title revealed

November 12th Q/A

Here is the New Q/A for Title Fight, Sony’s Smash Bros. competitor (November 18th)

External testing update

December 6th Q/A for Title Fight plus updates

Share your Title Fight ideas with SuperBot Entertainment and Sony

30 thoughts on “PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale (Title Fight) will be presented and playable at E3 in a nearly completed form.”
  1. This is awesome. Thanks alot for the update. I’ve been following this website for Title Fight Info ever since you first posted on it. I really cant wait to see gameplay.

  2. hmm. well, it being at E3 was no surprise. I am suprised that it is nearly complete, considering how SuperBot is still hiring, but whatever.

    it sucks that they got rid of the Lair stage, since the planned item sounded REALLY good. but oh well.

    so it does sound like the final roster is in the 20s, so I am looking forward too it. my only qualm is….couldn’t you have waited until the 2nd? now EVERYONE is going to have a harder time believing this…. neverthe less, I will be looking forward to it.

    as a final note, any other “no brainer characters” confirmed?

  3. being at E3 was no surprise on my end, thogh it being close to done did.

    only sad news is that the Lair stage is gone and that you posted it on April 1st….which may make people have a harder time believing this.

    nevertheless, I am looking forward to this. as a final note, any other “no brainer” characters confirmed?

  4. This is great news! does this mean we will get any sort of announcement prior to E3 or will the “big” announcement happen there. also looking forward to any more news you have will you be updated more regularly or mostly at E3?
    Much Appreciated

  5. so you post an update on april first.. dude not the best way to make people believe you. i do but still btw Ratchet and cole better be 2 of those 24ish charecters

  6. Awesome can’t wait untill E3!!!

    Hey Paul is it true that the name is called PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale??? I don’t really care about the name but I’m just curious….

  7. Gonna be interesting, that’s for sure.

    Now, call it blunt if you will, but what are the chances of seeing a Legend of Dragoon character on this, Paul?
    To me, that’s my most wanted thing to see represented. There’s too much potential in a character like Dart to be passed over in a game like this.

  8. Thanks for the update. Just one question though, is the game going to be called ” Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale”? Since there are new rumors on the title.

  9. Hope this game is at E3, can’t wait to see who’s making the cut, hopefully some old ones, like parappa, and Sir Daniel Fortesque (anyone want a new Medievil, and Parappa for that matter?).

  10. One more question. Is the name Title Fight still? Is that the official name? Or is it that other name that was circulating around, something like Sony All Star Battle Royale.

  11. Well, at this point any news is good news. It’s a real shame about the Lair stage though. That sounded great.

    Question, any idea yet if they plan on including characters from games that have not yet been released? I’m hoping they include one of the infected from “The Last of Us”. Dunno if there are any memorable infected in the game or either of them could get a proper name.

    Hopefully they don’t skimp on the villain/monster characters.

  12. sweet, an update! the E3 appearance was no surprisereally, but it being almost done was, since SB is still hiring and all. a shame they dropped the Lair stage, since it sounded really good. I guess I have 2 questions for now:

    1. any other no brainer characters *cough*Ratchet*cough* that you can confirm?

    2. what are your thoughts on the considered name change to the title?

  13. is it true the name is being changed? theres a rumor it will be called “Playstation All-stars Battle Royale”….i liked ur idea of “Playstation Title Fight” much, much more than that tongue twister of a name…

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