Peter Moore was born in Liverpool, England in 1955 and is currently the president at Electronic Arts’ EA Sports devision.

Peter Moore at E3 2006 on Paul Gale Network
E3 2006: Peter Moore

Before becoming one of the top dogs at EA, Peter worked for Reebok, was the president of Sega of America, and was one of the leading people behind promoting the Xbox brand. The first time I met Peter was at the end of his Sega career, when transitioning into Microsoft territory, but it was a few years later when we got to talk a lot more. And with that, one of my most memorable conversations with him was regarding the importance of exercise. It was funny, because I didn’t expect at E3 to learn that Peter use to be a physical education teacher years ago, but one of the times we met we kind of mutually acknowledged each other’s grip when shaking hands.

After a fun stare down, we both laughed and he asked if I work out. I told him that as a matter of fact, I’m a martial artist and am going for my Bachelor of Science Degree in Kinesiology. To my surprise, he was quite interested and asked where…so when I told him CSUN (California State University, Northridge), he said that he got his Masters Degree at California State University, Long Beach. We’re brothers!

At E3 2006 during a Game Tap talk with Space Ghost, Peter and I discussed Wii quite a bit (despite it being Xbox 360’s competition); specifically in regards to how its motion controls are going to impact the gaming world in a big way. Peter knew that I was graduating the next month and congratulated me which to this day I appreciate an awful lot. I also told him that if Microsoft ever needs a martial artist for motion capturing, to sign me up! Maybe I’ll have to remind him about that one now that he’s in EA.

I did share with him a really big project at E3 in 2010 however, about something internal that I’ve been developing and who knows…maybe one day there will be an EA game that has Paul Gale in it. 🙂 I just wanted to thank Peter for being a good friend and for continuing to drive EA Sports in the right direction. Here’s to seeing what the gaming giant comes up with next!

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