It’s 2013 and it’s October 31st…and that means from Paul Gale Network to all of you, Happy Halloween! I would like to share with you my 16th annual video game themed pumpkin carving, this time of Super Mario 3D World. I chose Cat Mario as the subject for the front of the jack-o-lantern and the U from the Wii U logo as the back. In addition to these two images that I carved, I made the top lid of the pumpkin, reminiscent of a Sprixie from Super Mario 3D World.
Thank you all for looking at my Super Mario 3D World pumpkin carving pictures and video. I hope that you enjoyed this year’s effort and are also looking forward to Super Mario 3D World coming out in less than a month. Also, if you’re new to my site or just haven’t seen my past pumpkins before, you can check them out under “Special Projects” Happy Halloween, everybody and see you on Miiverse this November 22nd when this awesome game comes out. Meow!