Makoto Nagano is also known as “The World’s Strongest Fisherman” and for good reason too. His is the second of three people total, to have completed the Sasuke (Ninja Warrior on G4TV) competition. He did this at the game’s 17th outing in 2006.
American Ninja Warrior Tryouts 2010: Makoto Nagano and Paul Gale
I met Makoto at the American Ninja Warrior Tryouts in 2010 when I went to be a competitor. Unfortunately for me at the event, there was an error with my registration number and I wasn’t able to compete. I said that I’d be ok with waiting until the end of the day if need be, but the production wasn’t able to accommodate as the venue was packed.
The Japanese news team with Makoto knew who I was due to my martial arts background (kind of overwhelmed me to know that) and decided to introduce us. What started off as a bad thing…not being able to compete…turned into a good thing: getting to talk with Mr. Nagano.
He was awfully kind and felt bad that the hosts couldn’t fit me in, but in a way, just getting to meet him in person and see how strong he was (both in character and presence), made up for it. Martial artists and people who are in tune with their bodies, those that who are strong and that have been training their whole life for something, usually have a radar for one another. His acknowledgement of my abilities and saying that I’m very strong when we shook hands was an honor.
I sincerely hope that Makoto has the best of success in everything he seeks out to accomplish from here on out in his life and remain thankful of his encouraging words.