The other day, Paul Gale Network shared with you Sony’s new “The Reload” trailer and with today comes one more piece to the puzzle: “The Arrival”.
The Arrival
Copernicus on Paul Gale Network
“Dear Copernicus we have received your letter and regret to inform you captain…”
October 23rd, folks…stay tuned for it and for the 24th if you’re a PlayStation gamer; for on the latter of the two, I’ll be at SuperBot Entertainment’s and iam8bit’s LA Beatdown event in celebration of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. Next week will have some pleasant surprises.
obviously its a sequel to the michael commercial. its got the same woman in the same outfit!
is the pic a hint? is you know what the ad is how can you disappoint, it be more disappointing if we expect more characters which most do and find out it’s nothing.
The pic is a hint, but I typed out something as well…just in case people wouldn’t figure it out.
Thanks for going to our chat paul…greatly appreciated, but I have to ask, will you ever come back to the chat?
Yeah, I will. π
you talking about the stuff under it. And does it have to do with your final 4 can you at least confirm that.
The lady is writting in Lombax font, and what you wrote is part of what she is writting to Captain Qwark (whose first name is also Copernicus).
Yep. π
Ratchet, Cole and Drake? hmmm what could that mean π
Isnt Copernicus Captain Qwark from Ratchet & Clank…This could either mean he will be a playable character or he wanted to be playable in the game but they rejected him and sending him a letter…lol
oh man, you’re such a tease paul π could you at least tell us if the 10/23 video will have anything to do with revealing totally new characters (your final unrevealed 4, maybe?) and/or totally new stages we do not know about as yet?
please reply as I don’t want to be in for another disappointment!
I don’t have final information on the final four.
do u have any additional info though?
for some reason i have this crazy idea that there’s gonna be a school or organization ran by captain quark and is made up of playstation heroes..
captain quark
Ezio? The Copernicus conspiracy was exclusive to PS3 I think. This is a stab at the pic hint
Paul what are you holding?
Not the poster of the supposed 24 characters.
THe Arrival: the final 4
The reload: playstation store
something tells me there might be more to this then were thinking like we have to think outside of the box
Paul, in the photo of yours it looks like your holding something that has been blacked out. Is it the final cover art, the poster your source had with all 24 characters or something else?
It’d have been nice if it was the poster, but it’s not.
I think you will unblank it the Oct 23rd,right? π
I’m not really sure if we should get excited for this…
I assume I should also do some research on Copernicus. But is there any reason you chose this peculiar angle? The reflection on the statue is at the perfect angle that makes it look like a continuation of the building behind it.
Maybe Sony is trying to do a different sort of mash-up game? Maybe a FPS mash-up? It’d be something new, having various Sony characters shooting at each other. It would show off how Sony caters to both family games and hardcore games.
why so secretive on this trailer? If you know what it is why not just say so people wont be disappointing. Is there a reason u can not say it wont be including the final four?
The videos don’t pertain to my final four.
that’s sad since I don’t see anything else be news worthy
if you know for sure that it don’t have anything to do with adding characters in the game then how come when someone said hope there something on the final 4 you said you hope so to. Not accusing just confused
I hope my friend’s final four make the cut and are in fact a part of the final game. All else will have to wait.
Ok. Let’s get this straight – so if the videos don’t pertain to your final 4, what does it actually pertain to? Other new characters? New stages we don’t know about? Nothing at all to do with PSASBR??? I really don’t want to be in another disappointment… AGAIN π
Well I have two leads on the video so I can’t give a complete answer.
so none of your leads suggest more characters being announced at all?
also can not wait for your email responce
Something that I haven’t noticed anyone put.. Could Reload/The Arrival be that they’re going to add in characters for the beta open to everyone on the 23rd? Such as Nate, Ratchet, and Cole? I’m really just grasping at straws here =\
That also crossed my mind…
Nothing, Paul? No confirmation or deny? =(
Paul please don’t break my heart again
Just don’t expect the final four and be happy with 20. Of the four are in it, rejoice. No disappointment then. π
that don’t really work since without the final 4 the roster is a joke and is in no way a representation of ps history. Sony did not only to fail to get one character that was highly demanded they missed them all.
what do you mean of the four are in it?
He meant if
I have a few ideas of what it could be.
2.Collectors addition
3.New release date
4.Rival Reveals
5.More features added
hmmmm what else..
So who’s the character 2nd from the left of this image?
He isnt gonna say because he doesnt know
this message was deciphered by ign. and its just the release date of the new store and the public beta
[…] The Arrival […]
[…] The Arrival […]
So lets see…. This a hint to a character??? She writes in Lombax language…and copernicus is Qwakrs first name (Copernicus Leslie Qwakr) I’m confused…