Denis Dyack was born on July 24th, 1966 and is the founder and president of Silicon Knights.
E3 2002: Denis Dyack and Paul Gale
I first met Denis back at E3 2002 when we began discussing the changes that Eternal Darkness had made since its crossover from Nintendo 64 to GameCube. What would stem from that conversation would be something that was pretty rare to find in the video game industry, a peer that has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physical Education.
When I told Denis that I was currently attending California State University of Northridge for a BS in Kinesiology, we became buds. After we got to the topic that I’d be turning 19 in less than two months, he told me that his birthday was also in July (7th for me, 14th for him). That whole conversation came up thanks to a little interest in me being a video game developmental designer for SK.
Talking with Denis was great and at the time I had no idea that some of the stuff we were talking about would eventually lead to his company creating Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. Sure we both expressed our respect for the series, but I didn’t know he was going to remake the PlayStation original for GameCube. And when it came to MGS talk, Denis was always accepting of my suggestions for the remake via e-mail.
Denis is a really stand out guy and as long as Silicon Knights is around, there’s bound to be solid games for future platforms to enjoy. Thanks for always being there for a talk, Denis, and here’s to your team’s next game being the best yet! For more information on SK’s games, visit