E3 is something special to me. I have been to 20 straight shows (2000-2019) and was invited to attend this year’s big event, receiving an e-mail from the ESA confirming my legacy presence, and then boom…the event got cancelled a few weeks later.
We are living in a very different time right now and though what I’m about to say isn’t official, it’s what I plan on doing. Next week, I will be on YouTube from Tuesday to Thursday, having various live stream sessions that will serve as E3 2020. This will be a reflective journey of the shows that I have been to, the chance for anyone to participate in a Q/A of sorts, and my thoughts on what we might have seen.
It will also be an opportunity that if any developer, big or indie, decides to share trailers or announcements during this time, they’ll get my feedback on them. Here’s to a very different E3!