It was right here on October 30th, 2011 that Paul Gale Network first mentioned PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale having an existence (then known as Title Fight) and in the course of six months, was the only site on the internet to have information continuously coming out for everyone to enjoy.

After a half a year of suspense, the game was finally shown off by SuperBot Entertainment and Sony…and in the last six months, I still aimed to deliver news on it, on a continuous basis. Where we’re at now is a full 12 months of hype and promotion on my part…as we’re only 3 weeks away from the title’s release. I hope that at the end of the day, my unorthodox techniques and consistent building, helped make this PlayStation 3 title something that will make its presence known during the holidays.

All I have that remains at this point on the game is that there’s one more big live action trailer on its way. Aside from that, whether or not my final four characters revealed to me (Crash Bandicoot, Old Snake, Wander, and Cloud Strife) are in the game or not/if they’ll even wind up as DLC at some point, and if I ever get my hands on the supposed poster…remain unknown.

Now then! If you’re an Xbox 360 gamer, I do have something for you that’s in its infancy at the moment, but is definitely a game that will be talked about a lot, eventually. The relationship between the person and me in this case is also one of a friendship status, but I’m not ready yet to talk yet. Just know that it’s of the same magnitude of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.

And finally, if you’re a Wii U owner-to-be, remember…Paul Gale Network was the first outlet to discover that 1) Retro Studios was working on a major title for Nintendo’s new console that “everyone wanted them to do” and that 2) Even though Star Fox – Metroid: Fusion Saga wasn’t the game they’re developing, it was proved that its concept was at least brought up at some point. Perhaps that very fact means that they’re working on something similarly grand and unexpected. I don’t know what this project of theirs is, but there’s still hope that I’ll find out. ๐Ÿ™‚

Paul Gale Network at The Playboy Mansion
A party is coming…

To all of you that have been coming to Paul Gale Network for the last year simply because of updates and hints for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, thank you. And to everyone else that’s been a reader, both before and during the last 12 months for all normal news that I cover, I’m also appreciative of your time. Here’s to more good times!

40 thoughts on “One year ago today, Paul Gale Network revealed PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale to the world. Next it’ll be time for Xbox 360 and Wii U fans.”
  1. “Now then! If youโ€™re an Xbox 360 gamer, I do have something for you thatโ€™s in its infancy at the moment, but is definitely a game that will be talked about a lot, eventually. The relationship between the person and me in this case is also one of a friendship status, but Iโ€™m not ready yet to talk yet. Just know that itโ€™s of the same magnitude of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.”

    Hahaha Master Chief Vs Master Chief Vs Marcus Fenix Vs Master Chief

  2. Happy Title fight Anniversary…lol…So wait are you saying that there may indeed be a ps-all-star esc brawler or fighting game coming out, or are you just saying its a game that will stir up the same amount of hype.What small bit if anything cant you tell us about the game?Does it involve character cross overs of some sort?Is it a sequel or remake to a passed game?Is it a spin off of some sort?These details and more shall be commented on by Paul Gale….:)

  3. You’re welcome paul ๐Ÿ˜€ but thanks to you for givin’ us this information ๐Ÿ˜€ I cant wait for playstation allstars battle royale ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. i think there is only supposed to 2 dlc characters i think this becuase on superbot’s mastering the basics video the character select has 2 ?’s and all 20 characters were there

  5. paul, please don’t pull the same junk with another game, especially on xbox. what you did with allstars was tiring and pointless. plus you let a lot of fans down fooling us into thinking our fav characters made it into the roster, whether intentional or not.

    1. To me, Paul kept our interest and hype in the game.New characters became the only thing we all wanted to talk about.i found myself checking countless sites for any information at all regarding ps all-stars and still do and will continue to after the game releases.So from me, thanks Paul.

        1. these haters can go suck an xcock for all i care i like what you’ve done for allstars paul you kept my hype for this game so thanks and don’t listen to the trolls and haters

          1. Thanks a lot for your support! Yeah, there are some people out there that will be upset if I end up being 20 for 24 with my announcements on the game, but they oddly forget that for 6 months prior to SuperBot officially announcing it, I was the only source in the world with consistent information on it. And in the last 6 months, I at least did what I could to help out the fans’ desires while not being a thorn in the side to the developers. Some people just like to complain.

            1. paul, i didn’t write the paragraph just for the sake of complaining, so you can stop calling me a hater. Nobody I know who is getting this game has ever even heard of your name before. the only thing they know now about you is that you gave us incorrect info and dont have a poster to back yourself.

              1. I wasn’t referring to you as a hater. It’s just unfortunate, yet expected, that for all the right that you might have had, there are some people that only remember the wrong. And I’m still. It sayin that the final four are flat out incorrect, because all this time I just shared what was given to me and believe that what my source acquired was for a reason…unless the individual got duped.

    1. No dont believe a retailer site, let alone amazon over the developers word. Give up on Paul’s final 4 because they arent in. Either he was lied to or he lied to us. Just hope for some substantial dlc

      1. Microsoft owning Rare ltd. can give them a huge roster aside from the Halo, Gears of War, fable, etc. They can also always do what Sony did with having a bunch of third party characters.

  6. Switching boats I see, even though I shouldn’t, I feel just a little betrayed by this news. Basically jumping on to a new game to do the same exact thing you did for PlayStation All-Stars with the vague hints and whatnot? I hope that 360 game is lame and isn’t a Smash Bros. clone because that would even be worse than All-Stars Battle Royale. And don’t ever say that 360 game is the same magnitude of Battle Royale because it’s not and it never will be I guarantee you that.

    1. I actually made the announcement public a few months ago, that I learned of an Xbox 360 exclusive in its infancy, but now am bringing it up once more to highlight the fact that things are progressing with the title. It’s still too early to really talk about it and I haven’t decided on what type of approach I’ll be taking to raise hype for the game, but it will be handled differently than PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. We’ll see. And as for Wii U, my main goal is in the Retro Studios project, but I don’t have anything on it at this time.

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