Here it is, Nintendo’s first television advertisement for Wii U.

I think it does a pretty good job at showing the viewer that it’s a “party system” that’s got a variety of games. From the familiar Mario multiplayer platformer to singing and dancing to unique new controls…and in general, just having fun, hopefully the commercial gains the interest of the casual viewer.

What I personally hope that future commercials do (for the games that utilize the features) is highlight the GamePad’s ability to take the action off screen…becoming a real extension of the TV’s environments. I thought that at both E3’s where I got to play with system, the coolest feature was the fact that the GamePad’s screen could be brought up in front of the TV and from there, moved all around, seeing what else the world had in store.

To me, that’s just awesome and should get highlighted when possible. What’d you think of the commercial? Also, tomorrow we’ll have the New Super Mario Bros. U advertisement up, so look forward to that!

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