I just got invited to attend the awesome launch party event in Los Angeles for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. The great folks at iam8bit are the hosts (and are the same people that have handled Street Fighter events in the past).
I’m definitely looking forward to the party which will actually be the second time I’m visiting LA that day, for earlier in the afternoon, I’ll be at Chelsea Lately with Helen Hunt.
If you can make it, definitely come by and have some fun. And if you see me, say hi!
The details:
Hey there!
We’ve teamed up with PlayStation and SuperBot Entertainment to conjure up a ONE-NIGHT ONLY event for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, affectionately dubbed the LA BEATDOWN. It’s everything you’ve come to expect from an iam8bit production… and it’s completely and utterly FREE!
Wednesday, October 24
7 to 11pm
RSVP via Facebook
(Entrance is on a first-come, first-served. Numbered wristbands will be distributed.)
2147 W. Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90026
This will be the FIRST TIME the FINAL RELEASE CODE will be playable (with BRAND NEW LEVELS), but we’ve got so much more in store besides that:
LIMITED EDITIONS! – The FIRST 500 ATTENDEES will receive an exclusive, never-to-be-produced-again T-SHIRT and POSTER, designed by incredible UK illustrator, Boneface (check out the image above).
ROYALE ARMORY! – This museum-style exhibit will represent every character from the game with a single, quitessential item, from weapon replicas to sentimental heirlooms. It’s like the Louvre… kinda.
PHOTO PLAYSET! – Offering up a smorgasbord of hand-made props and letting fans battle it out in front of a camera.
OVERSIZED GAMEPLAY! – Play on iam8bit’s trademark 25-foot-wide screen, where the characters are nearly human in scale.
TASTY BEVERAGES! – While the event is ALL AGES, our 21+ guests will enjoy sipping on complimentary adult beverages.
EATS! – One of LA’s top food trucks, VIZZI, will be parked at our space for the evening, providing warrior sustenance, like their Truffle Mac N’ Cheese or Braised Wagyu Sliders. Hella yum!
See you there!
i dont know about u, but i live on the east coast….
So cool I need money to go jajjaja 😀
Too bad I’m at the other side of the country. The beta will suffice though! Loving it!
I’m glad to hear you’re having fun with the beta. SuperBot worked hard and did a fine job.
I agree.Do you know about character DLCs?
I hope there will be some DLC characters,like Crash.Even,if it will be paid.
I don’t know how the final roster will be made available, just yet.
Anybody wanna fly me out lol 🙂
Maybe PGN should have that as a contest prize for one of these things in the future…
That would be awesome. Make it a PSASBR tournament and first gets flown out. I’d win that :).
make sure you tell omar to include Ryu as dlc at least… i would him myself but i live across the pond D:
new stages…. that we already know about XD. there was a stage from the title fight video that looked awesome. hope they make it in the final product but if they choose to make it dlc i would totally buy…
Oh I’ve shared my interest with Ryu in the past, but will do so again.
I’d rather chun li to be honest but any street fighter rep is good in my book.
Kikoken or Hadouken…either way, I’d be game.
Yes we need Ryu in this game!
Yes we do…
Paul a teaser has been released simmilar to micheal commercial last year! It was confirmed that micheal at e3 was relalted to playstation all stars!
Now this Commericial Cotains hints towards 3 seperate charcters and SOLID SNAKE!!!!!!!
Dante-Limbo City Postcard bottom right of lady
Spike- Sarle Get You sign ape escape in japanese
Solid Snake- look closely at ladys dress theirs a gold accseory that wraps around its with a snake head and its gold which is solid bingo!!
The full one releases on october 23rd the day before your event i think them 4 charcter at least snake are 100% in now
heres the link:
Solid Snake hinted at thorugh golden snake on ladys dress
this commerical is psbar related as theirs hints to cole,dante and spike in it
Also rememeber the micheal commercial at e3 it was confirmed to be related to playstation all stars ,and this is exactly the same,also the full version is released 23rd october the day before you go to the event
Paul just a random question did Resistance ever was considered to have a playable character? Or it was considered for stages and itens all along?
I heard that Nathan Hale, like most characters affiliated with the PlayStation brand, was at least at some point, considered.
sent an email but any idea on the missing characters
We’ll find out very soon.
do you know something is this a hint mb :p
Paul if Crash Bandicoot is in this Game Would there be a Level/Stage to do with Him like jak and Dexter have Sandover Village Nathern Drake Has Stoways would Crash have a N sanity beach Stage to do with his Charecter
Anything’s possible…
To bad I live far away from LA 🙁
Would love to go to one of these events at least once in my lifetime….
I’m sure you’ll get the opportunity one day.
i really i wished where all the great gaming gigs went down but im stuck here in missouri but i guess its refered to as missery for a reason.
i would love to play the final code considering iv rocked both beta’s i win almost every one of my matches with sweet tooth and sly was a nice addition and i really like his play style.
Aaah, don’t worry about it. Use the time you have to develop your skills!
Do you know if this commercial is related to PlayStation All-Stars? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=hcI5KSji8QQ
There’s different forms of “related”. There are some things that could be considered brothers and others, cousins. You’ll see just what the relationship is, next week.
Paul, there is this new commercial that was recently teased by Sony being released on 10/23, it is being dubbed the sequel to the ‘Michael’ commercial. This day just happens to be the release date of Playstation All-Stars before the delay. Also with this LA event with the ‘final game build’ the following day, I can’t help but believe that there will be big announcements on Tuesday. What are your thoughts on it Mr.Gale?
My thoughts are that next week, there’ll be a good amount of PlayStation owners, happy out there. 🙂
do you happen to know something about the trailer paul and will the psallstars fans be happy with what they see.
also thanks for the reply responded back :p
You’re welcome and thanks for showing interest.
I will be going to this event….I have been waiting for one of these things sense I was born….Superbot sent me a free 30 day ps plus code via Facebook so I can get my beta practice on..I cant wait to the the stories arcade mode & Rivals etc..I hope they have more DLC levels,characters,weapons,modes, and even Supers if possible…
I hope to see you there!