At the Tokyo Game Show this past weekend, Mr. Tomonobu Itagaki expressed that he has great interest in making Devil’s 3rd a game that utilizes new 3D technology. I’ve known Mr. Itagaki since E3 2004 and most recently spoke to him while we were playing Nintendo 3DS games at Nintendo’s booth at E3 this year. He revealed to me that he has high hopes for the 3DS and 3D gaming in general. It comes as no surprise to me that he would mention to my contacts at the Tokyo Game Show, that maybe Devil’s 3rd will be a 3D title.
He revealed that the Xbox 360 version may also be able to pull of 3D visuals if his team of a few hundred people begin working on implementing the features into both console versions, now.
Itagaki told me at E3 that what likes most with 3D gaming is the expressive, powerful feeling that comes with it, but dislikes the necessity of goggles, as well as the limited viewing (which is why he was pretty impressed with the 3DS). He said that if Nintendo could release a more powerful console than Wii and somehow take advantage of the 3DS’ technology, it could be fun to work on.
When will Devil’s 3rd come out? Who knows, but it won’t be in 2011 says Itagaki. More as it breaks.
Here’s Tomonobu Itagaki and me at E3 2004. We would have taken a picture together at E3 this year, but due to the limited amount of picture taking you could take up in Nintendo’s 3DS booth, we didn’t.