E3 2018 is just one week away and just as I’ve done for many years before, I will once again be bringing back my E3 Q/A. What it means is that you can ask me anything you want in the new article’s comment section, and I guarantee you that it’ll be answered within a timely fashion.
Paul Gale Network has been to every E3 since 2000, with this year’s being my 19th time in attendance. I will be be on the show floor, helping independent developers with funding and developmental strategies and of course, continuing to network with the primary first and third party publishers/developers on their projects.
Any question you ask is fair game. This has always been my way of connecting the show to you, the gamers. I will be hosting videos on my YouTube channel, updating the site throughout the event, and of course, hitting all of social media. Whether your question is about how a certain new video game looked in my opinion, how a new peripheral felt, or something specific like what booth was the most entertaining. I will answer every person.
Stay tuned to PGN on June 12th for the new Q/A article to go up. In the meantime, you can use the comment section below to ask questions. Here’s to E3!
[…] June, in this article, Paul Gale Network announced that come E3, you can ask any question you want about the show and be […]