Today I had an absolute blast playing the Nintendo Switch with John Cena at the Unexpected Places event that Nintendo hosted in Santa Clarita, California. I’m really grateful and just want to say thank you to Nintendo and John for making everything really fun.
After driving up to the location, we rode in a van that took us up to the middle of nowhere on top of a hill with a beautiful view, where we saw this makeshift house that Nintendo set up. We then walked up to it and John came out of the house, greeted each of us, and shook all of our hands.
We then got to go inside and begin playing 1, 2, Switch. I played against John first in the quick fire game, in which he won. Aside my friend winning, everyone else also lost to him in that game. My excuse to John was that I just couldn’t see him, haha!
I brought my old school WWF belt with me and he said that it was a good thing that I didn’t put it on the line, LOL. I also made a joke to him saying that I actually won this belt and he said, “Oh yeah?” And I said, “Yeah…Off eBay!” It was really funny and everyone in the room got a good laugh out of it. He also told me that he hoped that I brought a sharpie with me so he could sign my belt and my son’s and he did, which was really nice of him.
I then asked John if he would accept a small gift from me that I brought and he kindly did. It might not be much, but it was a little piece of appreciation towards him, in giving him a copy of my children’s book, Lisek’s Great Adventure. I told Cena what I’m writing here and that’s that he’s really a tremendous performer in the ring and an important person outside of it. From his literally hundreds of Make-A-Wish grants that he’s done, to visiting so many returning and present soldiers, and just being an all around positive roll model. He seemed really genuine in person and thanked me for the kind words and I wished him well and to be safe out there…and that I’m glad he’s around and wrestling, so that my son Bryson Paul Gale and daughter-to-be Brooke Zelda Gale, may have someone great to look up to.
We then went back to playing some more 1, 2, Switch and he beat all of us but one person in this quick fire game, where they say words out loud to mess you up and you’re only supposed to shoot on the word Fire. It was really funny and I’m telling you…this game is going to be the ultimate party game!
He took pictures with us and then we got to play one more game, which was safe cracker. For this one, it was only him and me playing, and I won. He lifted up on my hand and had me raise my belt in my other hand and the Nintendo folks took pics and videos. I asked him if that counts as a 1, 2, 3 finish and he said yes! Haha! I guess that makes me 1:1 with John Cena!
Later on we rode down and they gave us Nintendo Switch hats, pins, and water bottles. Then we got the opportunity to ride back up and we got to play The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild! Zelda looked gorgeous on the TV and on the Switch itself. The transition between modes was flawless. We got to be a part of their filming process which was tons of fun, tried out the different Joy-Cons, the Pro Controller which felt incredible and just may become my new, favorite video game controller, and shared tons of laughs. I also got to talk throughout the event with my good friends at Nintendo, Stacy and Krysta Yang from Nintendo Minute…as well as make a new friend in Demetrius.
It was a really memorable day and coming from a big Nintendo fan and a big WWE fan, particularly of John Cena, it’s an event that I will never forget. Thank you Nintendo and thank you John Cena for a once in a lifetime experience. I’m truly grateful and will never forget it. Now let’s get extra hyped for the Nintendo Switch launch on March 3rd and John Cena’s hosting of the 2017 Kids’ Choice Awards on March 11th!