Hideo Kojima recently said on Twitter that if there’s a creator or team out there that would be interested in handling a remake of Metal Gear Solid, and do it with the new Fox Engine (which powers Metal Gear Solid V), that he would be happy to talk with them. Well, we might have our answer as just a few minutes ago, the studio “Just Add Water”, expressed interest, also on Twitter, saying that really want to do it and are big fans of the franchise.
This is the developer behind Stranger’s Wrath HD and Oddworld: New ‘N’ Tasty (which is based on the first Oddworld title, Abe’s Oddysee). It’ll be interesting to see how Hideo Kojima and Konami respond to this offer. MGS has already been remade once, exclusively for the Nintendo GameCube in “Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes” by Silicon Knights. It’s clearly a special game to get some more attention, yet again…and no complaints on this end for that happening. More as it develops!