Tonight on Robot Chicken, the team will be making a parody of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, but for now, enjoy this teaser.
It should be funny, so here’s to seeing how it all comes together!
video games, martial arts, pop culture & more
Tonight on Robot Chicken, the team will be making a parody of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, but for now, enjoy this teaser.
It should be funny, so here’s to seeing how it all comes together!
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Any hints paul? Can we maybe see your final four in the full trailer?
I don’t have any other updates beyond what I’ve shared from my source.
Oh darn! Oh well, i still believe you 100% Paul! Even though you’ve been wrong most of the time and onar himself has called you a fraud! But thats not your fault! You are innocent in all of this and only helped spread hype about the game!
TooTwos show some respect,
Paul made PSABR hype very exciting and the photos were a blast to figure out the clues!
Yea i guess so. I mean the guy basically lied his ass off for 6 months but he did spread soo much hype!!!