Joanna Dark as she was being drawn in Perfect Dark Core.
Perfect Dark Core was at one time in development by Rare, intended to be a sequel to Nintendo 64’s Perfect Dark (one of the best console first person shooters of its time), but after some digging by Unseen64, it’s been discovered that the game is officially cancelled. Apparantly, it might be for the best too, as the title was going through so many changes and under so many different people, that it wasn’t getting the attention that it probably should. Below is a video of the game that will never be.
All of this talk about Perfect Dark reminds me of the script I wrote for a game that I proposed to Ken Lobb when we met at E3 way back in 2001. The game? Perfect Dark: After Dark…my idea of a sequel to the original PD on Nintendo 64 (which I also wrote in a way that it could have been a prequel called Perfect Dark Zero…ironically enough). Hopefully one day the right team will get together and make a new PD and make it truly worthy of being a sequel to the 2000 N64 classic.