Here is my 13th video game themed pumpkin that I created for Halloween of 2010. I can’t believe that I’ve been doing these annually for nearly half my life (at this point in time, I’m 27). My subject was Donkey Kong Country Returns since the big ape’s game’s release is on November 19th. Since there was a lot of space to work with, I added some grass, a tree, the emperor of the Tiki Tak Tribe, and of course: DKCR on the back.

Donkey Kong Country Returns pumpkin on Paul Gale Network

Donkey Kong Country Returns pumpkin  tree on Paul Gale Network

Donkey Kong Country Returns pumpkin back on Paul Gale Network

Donkey Kong Country Returns pumpkin on Paul Gale Network Emperor of Tiki Tak Tribe

Donkey Kong Country Returns pumpkin top on Paul Gale Network

Donkey Kong Country Returns pumpkin with bannana bundle on Paul Gale Network

Donkey Kong Country returns pumpin in dark on Paul Gale Network

Something interesting about this year’s pumpkin, is that I was originally going to carve it with a laser that I ordered, but unfortunately it didn’t arrive for Halloween. Another cool fact is that I was actually growing pumpkins in my backyard, in which I planned to use one or maybe more, as my canvas this year.

If you’d like to see my pumpkin in motion, check this video out.

One of my orange ones grew to a decent size, but suffered from the summer’s heat and so I wasn’t able to use it. Aside from those two orange ones, two white ones came out and made it. You can see them in some of the photos above. In fact, the tiny one got carved by my girlfriend, and it’s of Prince Fluff from Kirby’s Epic Yarn, with Kirby himself on the back.

Here’s another video of my Donkey Kong Country Returns pumpkin.

Finally, I mentioned in Nintendo Power Volume 260, page 95 in an interview with the magazine, that DKCR would be my pick for 2010 and so I stuck to it. 🙂 Oh and I hope you like the top of the pumpkin…because I carved it out and painted it to look like a bundly of banannas. Happy Halloween everyone and here’s to my next pumpkin in 2011. By the way, if you have any that you’ve made, please share.

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