NPD just released their hardware and software sales for the month of August and here they are:
1] Xbox 360 = 356,700
2] Nintendo DS = 342,700
3] Wii = 244,300
4] PlayStation 3 = 226,000
5] PSP = 79,400
As you can see, Xbox 360 took the number one spot, and that was most likely due to the new, slim version still going strong after its June debut and the fact that Madden NFL 11 sold nearly 1,000,000 copies in just three weeks. Nintendo DS holds a strong second, but as the holidays near, will most likely stay at #1 for the majority of this year’s remainder. The gap between Wii and PS3 was pretty close this time, but we’ll see what happens in the coming months as both systems are gearing up for the holidays with their own respective exclusives. PSP is the only constant this month, and that’s its last place position. If PSP Go performed better like Sony had hoped, these numbers would undoubtedly be way up.
1] Madden NFL 11 (Electronic Arts, Xbox 360) — 920,800
2]Madden NFL 11 (Electronic Arts, PlayStation 3) — 893,600
3]Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Nintendo, Wii) – 124,600
4]Mafia II (Take 2 Interactive, Xbox 360) — 121,600
5]New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo, DS) — 110,400
6]New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo)
7]Mafia II (Take 2 Interactive, PS3)
8]Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Activision Blizzard, Xbox 360)
9]NCAA Football 11 (Electronic
Two of the Top 9 games are different home versions of this year’s Madden, both in excess of 900,000 copies sold, with #3 being Super Mario Galaxy 2…a game that’s still selling very well after its late May release. The rest of the chart is made up of low 100,000’s and below. Here’s to a strong September as we slowly get closer to Quarter 4!