PlayStation Move on Paul Gale Network

We’ve just learned straight from Sony that they’re going to be revealing a major, new title for PlayStation 3 on December 12th. It’s not known yet whether or not it will be a game from one of their existing franchises or an entirely new ip, but one thing is certain…it looks like it’s going to be a big one.

What do you think/want it to be? Would you rather see something totally original that’d be a core game, a big title made exclusively for the PlayStation Move, or a game from Sony’s library that’ll see a new, major entry? We’ll know for sure in less than a month, but for now we can speculate.

What might be related is that I spoke just three weeks ago with a contact within Sony, saying that they’ve got a big game in the works that’s PlayStation Move related, but wouldn’t say anything else on it other than, “it’ll be appeal to all of our fans including the hardcore.” Though I can’t confirm if this December 12th “big reveal” is related, I think they might be one in the same. If you’d ask me personally though, I would hope for Uncharted 3 with tight Move controls or a new, creative ip that really puts the accuracy of Move to the test. I’m excited and am looking forward to hearing what you all have to say on the subject.

13 thoughts on “Sony has a major, new reveal for PlayStation 3 dropping on December 12th and it looks to be Move related.”
  1. I think it will be “Starhawk”… we all know the company that made warhawk is working on a new game and the main guy said they reveiled it to Sony not to long ago, also warhawk pushed the six-axis so “Starhawk” will now push for Move. Thats my geuss of what it will be. Or maybe Sly 4 would be cool to.

  2. I was thinking Starhawk as well, either that or finally showing AGENT.. *but that is more ROCKSTAR’S PS3 game* Not sure what else it could be…. OH…. SYPHON FILTER? I heard a rumor about a syphon filter game a long time ago…. SSX is returning as well… 🙂

  3. […] this December 12th “big reveal” is related, I think they might be one in the same. Sony has a major, new reveal for PlayStation 3 dropping on December 12th and it looks to be Move rel… Hab jetzt schon die Schnauze voll vom Motion Dingsbums. Aber die Hoffnung auf Uncharted 3 bleibt […]

  4. It’d be nice if it was a brand new IP but given that this is going to be a major thing then I’m going to assume that it’s going to be from one of their big franchises.

    I can’t think which one though, all the games I’d expect already have sequels in development. Starhawk is a pretty good guess as slinky123456 said though.

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